Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Want Me To Talk With Your Animal?

I love communicating with animals! I do not consider myself a 'professional' in this area, but I usually do get accurate results. Since I don't feel comfortable talking with animals for a set amount, I ask that if you are happy with the communication I do with your animal, you donate what you think it was worth. There is a Donate button you'll see at the top.

Communicating with animals can be done through a simple picture, so there's no need for me to be with the animal. So if you'd like to give this a try, then please fill out the information below.

  • Animal's Name:
  • 10 Questions you'd like me to ask your animal:
  • Is it okay if I post this communication up on this blog after we are done?:

Please send a picture of your animal, along with the questions above to- talentedk9@yahoo.com

It will take me about 3 or so days to do each animal. Not because it takes that long, but because I am a busy person and I like giving a few days for anything the animal might want to tell me, before we get into the questions.

Once I have spoken with your animal, I will email you back with the questions we've answered. You will then need to email them back and let me know how I did on anything you know the answer to. This way I can keep track of how I'm doing, and others can see how I'm doing as well.

I would like to post any animal I talk with, here on my blog along with the answered questions and feedback. This will let others who come across this blog see if it's something they might be interested in.

Thanks, and I hope to talk with your animal!

Recommended Reading

Here is a list of books I've read and recommend to anyone who would like to get started in Animal Communication. Or if you'd just like to read some interesting stories because your interested in the subject. I will put them in order of how highly recommended they are by me. So #1 would be if you can't buy any other book on this subject, buy this one!

1. Learning Their Language: Intuitive Communication with Animals and Nature

2. Sonya Fitzpatrick, the Pet Psychic: What the Animals Tell Me

3. Ask Your Animal

4. The Language of Animals: 7 Steps to Communicating with Animals

5. Communicating With Animals : The Spiritual Connection Between People and Animals

6. Animal Voices: Telepathic Communication in the Web of Life

7. Conversations with Animals: Cherished Messages and Memories as Told by an Animal Communicator

8. Animal Connection, The: A Guide to Intuitive Communicationwith Your Pet

I have read all of those and enjoyed every one of them. The first and second were my favorite, followed by Animal Voices.

About Amy Hiscocks

I would love to tell you all about me here, but I already made a nice Squidoo Lens just for that! You can view it at Getting Started With Animal Communication. That page is all about me, and how I got started in Animal Communication. Enjoy!